13 research outputs found

    Inverse spectral problems for Sturm-Liouville operators with singular potentials, IV. Potentials in the Sobolev space scale

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    We solve the inverse spectral problems for the class of Sturm--Liouville operators with singular real-valued potentials from the Sobolev space W^{s-1}_2(0,1), s\in[0,1]. The potential is recovered from two spectra or from the spectrum and norming constants. Necessary and sufficient conditions on the spectral data to correspond to the potential in W^{s-1}_2(0,1) are established.Comment: 16 page

    Inverse spectral problems for Sturm-Liouville operators with singular potentials, II. Reconstruction by two spectra

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    We solve the inverse spectral problem of recovering the singular potentials q∈W2−1(0,1)q\in W^{-1}_{2}(0,1) of Sturm-Liouville operators by two spectra. The reconstruction algorithm is presented and necessary and sufficient conditions on two sequences to be spectral data for Sturm-Liouville operators under consideration are given.Comment: 14 pgs, AmS-LaTex2

    Inverse spectral problems for Dirac operators on a finite interval

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    We consider the direct and inverse spectral problems for Dirac operators that are generated by the differential expressions \mathfrak t_q:=\frac{1}{i}[I&0 0&-I]\frac{d}{dx}+[0&q q^*&0] and some separated boundary conditions. Here qq is an r×rr\times r matrix-valued function with entries belonging to L2((0,1),C)L_2((0,1),\mathbb C) and II is the identity r×rr\times r matrix. We give a complete description of the spectral data (eigenvalues and suitably introduced norming matrices) for the operators under consideration and suggest an algorithm of reconstructing the potential qq from the corresponding spectral data.Comment: 23 page

    Inverse spectral problems for Sturm--Liouville operators with matrix-valued potentials

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    We give a complete description of the set of spectral data (eigenvalues and specially introduced norming constants) for Sturm--Liouville operators on the interval [0,1][0,1] with matrix-valued potentials in the Sobolev space W2−1W_2^{-1} and suggest an algorithm reconstructing the potential from the spectral data that is based on Krein's accelerant method.Comment: 39 pages, uses iopart.cls, iopams.sty and setstack.sty by IO

    Inverse spectral problems for Sturm-Liouville operators with singular potentials

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    The inverse spectral problem is solved for the class of Sturm-Liouville operators with singular real-valued potentials from the space W2−1(0,1)W^{-1}_2(0,1). The potential is recovered via the eigenvalues and the corresponding norming constants. The reconstruction algorithm is presented and its stability proved. Also, the set of all possible spectral data is explicitly described and the isospectral sets are characterized.Comment: Submitted to Inverse Problem